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Advanced Short Video Guide

Dec 23, 2023

What happened to the humanity It’s probably quite obvious now that this is the content of current year, it’s been for quite a while now, and it probably will be until the great decline, what will foremost happen.

The virality potential is enormous, getting above 10 million just happens randomly every day. Yet there is some great issue here, even if you get 100 million views, if it’s just a random video it will not …convert into anything, your very next video on the same topic can get 70 views… Conversion on short videos is rather unusual, nothing we have before, just couple seconds after swiping to the next the memory of what have you watched before gets erased.

So if you want to sell something you need be really thoughtful.

Brand building

If your videos are cohesive and stay on the topic they can generate quite lot subscribers

Hybrid channel

Assuming you are on YouTube you can utilize short videos as top funnel, it’s the go to strategy for most long format channels. You are hubbing your long video into many short forms. It won’t work every time, but there are some types of content that it works especially well, for exmaple podcast.

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