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🥘 Cooking channel

Apr 04, 2023

Psychology of food

Many people have no idea how easily their are manipulated by hunger, that’s partially the reason so many people conduct the business in restaurants, especially the one ones from the highest class. Money is no longer any treat as they are operating on numbers way beyond human comprehension, but they all can appreciate good food. To better understand the problem I would encourage you to try fasting, you can do 3 days without ant precautions, and that will show you how strong is your will, and how easily it bends.

Let’s take back to the marketing related stuff, cooking videos are universally targeted to almost everyone, everybody eats. But not everybody cooks, doesn’t matter tho, they are just visual porn, it’s something you watch and lust to, stimulates similar parts of the brain as looking at young hot models.

Quite interesting, isn’t it? I bet you didn’t think about that while considering showing some recipes on YouTube. The talent agencies did, the one that are responsible for 90% successful content on YouTube or any social media for that matters…


Not the greatest niche for making money, still by having huge reaches you still make ×20 times what you would do in normal job as a cook, ×4 times when you are just actor for an agency.


Having own website is essential, not only for written recipes and generate additional google traffic, but rather as your main hub for everything.


I hate them, not only they are very invasive into UX, but also they make pennies, you can host any static website for free using Cloudflare or Netlify so talking about covering hosting fees is straight up lie. You do you, cooking recipes are not mainly accessed by people using AdBlock, so you will make something.


This is interesting, there are many kitchen accessories on mainland china for you to resell, driving traffic is quite easy, you just show them in your videos and mention that, you can buy them from the link in the description. I’m not really into cooking accessories all that much, but let’s list some especially good ones.

  1. Knives – this is what pikes sell’s on the unregulated no tax market squares, means that’s good. Kitchen knives are genuine good product, for a week, then they are dulling as the steel they are made of is pure shithium, but the first impression is great, and it leads us to next product…
  2. Sharpener – apparently half of the population have no idea that knives need to be sharpened regular, so if you introduce them to this forbidden technology they will be eternally grateful. Sharpening with stones is kinda tricky, so I would rather recommend those, automatic pull sharpeners.
  3. Others – there is so mane kitchen products that are so convenient and genius, that will reiterate your whole cooking experience, until you need to clean them… Good-looking bad products overall sell better than the other way around, so maybe that’s something to do if you are more into the money than altruism.
  4. Spice blends – Great ROI, but require some work, also you might need to comply the food regulations.
  5. Food – Same as before, just pick some well optimized products, that position themselves well on effort/price spectrum.

Food chain

Who would think that you can use food to promote food, having a food chain or just one restaurant takes a bit more effort than creating dumb videos, but one works with good synergy with one another. It seems to be gone to strategy for the huge players recently, obviously it’s an sub-company for a talent agency, not a talent.

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