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Infinite Leverage Products

Jan 09, 2024

Digital era gives as opportunities that were never ever possible before. One of the best is digital goods of 0 energy reproducibility.

Physical vs. digital product

Everyone knows that anything physical requires an amount of energy to come into being… There is different viability ratio some like pharmaceutics, are cheap to produce compared to selling price, with high research cost, and other like furniture are expensive in materials with only slight profitability covering labor work. There is whole economic branch covering how good business there are, now and then there are those golden opportunities that emerge usually from unexpected world situations that are usually bad for everyone else. No matter the thing there are also issues with scalability of such matters, as with the increased outlay increases labor which can no longer be done all by yourself, and with every step increasing complexity you are starting to losing profitability. Then comes distribution with soon down the line will be required whole department, after that comes legality issues, and international laws… So owning business is hard, nothing new… but in the present times there is solution to almost every single issue of regular business. Digital product oriented business seems to skip most of the problems. Zero energy reproducibility and distribution, well nothing is really zero energy, physics doesn’t work that way, but you see the picture, creating copy of an image and sending it isn’t really costly process. Not everything is as easy, shows where the potential lays in, having and digital product that comes with a value.

Infinite leverage products

So what are those nifty digital products…


One of most obious and best high complex product, the software can be very different on how it operates, but the main rule is usually the same, you are selling license for using it. Even if it’s heave cloud computing based the milions of users pay itself for the data centers and computing farms, if it’s security important then constant development and testing is needed. Still the ROI stands so high you can easily cover it.

Valuable content

Knowledge is in price, is it in form of books or video course, once made can be resold many times.

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