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đź’» Marketing System

ď—¬ Jan 15, 2024

The systems for marketing aren’t all that complicated, when you are following the platform guidelines… But you absolutely shouldn’t do it, the companies like Meta (Facebook) are full aware about their marketing value, and they monetize it hard, as the matter of fact that’s their main source income alongside stealing every bit personal information and selling it to 3’rd part companies for well… marketing, advanced social engineering and LLM’s training, illegally of course but apparently it’s cheaper to pay the fine, than stop it.

That speaks for itself, but if you are still unsure then. Their B2B model centers around performance marketing, the paid one, which is quite good actually and remains go to for most parties. The effect of that is that you are almost certainly not going to grow organically on such platforms. In such cases if we are flexible with the marketing strategies, we are performing marketing campaigns that does not follow the platform guidelines so strictly.


The chance of incurring penalty are a bit higher than usually, so we don’t do it on main company profile, instead we invest in “bot accounts”, making profiles on such platform is free so why not utilize it. If the plans are really ambitious we can do it in house using automation, but mostly we just buy them from 3’rd party providers, typically made on high quality proxies and well aged. As the account made 2 minutes ago in Nigeria doesn’t get the same reach as regular ones.

Account creation

Not the usual approach in the professional space, since the accounts are really cheap, and creating them is not as straight forward as it might seem. But sometimes you want to have just fresh account for growing with all the naming and stuff set from beginning, if you are planning investing a lot of time in it then it might be good idea to avoid doing any shady stuff as it might have bit you in the ass in the future.

Manual – Assuming you are on your proxied anti-detect browser, just proceed to creating account as usual.

  1. Email – Creating a fresh email account each time is not really the way. If you have your own email server then great, just make sure your domain isn’t on the spam lists, but really who hosts their own email these days… Aliases email are another option, if you type “one time email” into the browser you will get plenty options, but as the name says their are one time, and that’s not always good, the domains are also often prohibited from SM platforms. The better option us using something like addy.io, for small/medium scale.

  2. SMS – Phone number verification is getting mandatory for many websites these days and it’s really annoying to deal with, since the prepaid SIM card are no longer the thing in many places due to anti-terrorism mandatory phone number registration, you need some service provider.

    1. https://getsms.one/
    2. https://verifywithsms.com
  3. Photo authentication – Sometimes that the thing, especially when system you are logging shows unusual agent like: Linux system, Firefox browser or even using and AdBlock. If for whatever reason you ok with verifying it with your own face then don’t follow next step.

    1. There are plenty people dumb enough to post an image of their holding and piece of paper to the internet reddit.com/r/roastme, thus you shall be justified for using it for whatever purpose, as the matter of fact these pictures are not really copyrighted and it is morally correct to profit on those people. So there is a simple image editing pipeline for that: cleanplate the card → hand write the verifiction code (graphic tablet + dynamic brush → apply planar distortion → comp blending → match noise → compress it heavily » clear metadata)
    2. AI Images – since I’m quite good at it I’ve been experimenting with it, and it is an interesting option and it does work, at the current stage it’s really not worth the time. It is less effort to go on the street and find some homeless that be willing to take the picture of himself for a small donation.
  4. Video authentication – There some cheap services for that from 3’rd world countries, you should check on fiver, after meeting some videos you could potentially reuse many times with some editing trick. As for dedicated person we are getting into advanced VFX territory, rarely worth the effort, maybe the generative AI will simplify the process

  5. Legal verification – banking, taxing, identity, messing with that is mostly illegal. From what I’ve heard the agencies ask the talents for creating a bank account and providing all legal document, which after they take over the bank accounts and have sole access of it. There have been cases of such “talent agencies” using it for money laundering and other tax trickery, so if you are considering becoming Instagram model, then perhaps rethink if this is the correct approach.

It’s all done around the system, so it might be unpredictable and potentially harmful, you really need to know what you are doing!


Then there comes managing such accounts, if you won’t containerize them into heretic spaces, they will get correlated one witch another and in case of banition, huge chances you are going loose all of them.

There are really just 2 things that needs to be considered


If you are logging from the same browser to the different accounts on the same platform the platform is aware of that, there are plenty of option to determine that, and incognito mode will not help you. If you are going with huge scale project you might want to consider some dedicated solution like: kameleo, linken sphere, multilogin, gologin, surfinite, vektort13, etc… I can’t really recommend any of them since I find them utterly stupid, pricely and overall I’m quite unhappy to use any of them, but for managing, a hundred of accounts, you might need that…

For those smaller project you should be fine using any privacy-oriented browser: Brave, Ungoogled Chromium, LibreWolf, with the last one being my personal favorite, as the Firefox based browsers come with dedicated profiles and containers, but still you usually going to have couple portable versions of it on your machine for different reasons.

As those data stealing social media platform don’t really like you not sharing all of your informations with them, some of them penatally using of such browsers, especially for account creation.


If you don’t know what it is, it’s like VPN but actually useful.

Datacenter/Residential – ones you go with 1 per account, useful for geo targeting and long term account development as the IP stays the same.

4G rotating – go to for bots / automation / large amount of accounts. As the name points using mobile internet with dynamically switching IP address. You could use your phone for it:

For large scale projects you could also use dedicated system:


Nowdays some of the platform are for phone users only or offer extended functionaly on mobile apps. Unfortunatelly or not there is not as easy way to approch it as with browser oriented solution… Stuff like androind emulators or iphone virtuall machines doesn’t really work as the agent of such devices is a bit more complicated. There are some providers for “reginonal phone posting”, but I can’t really recomend them since have tried it, and whom what I’ve read the experience isn’t as great either.

The current approch is to just buy an dediciated deivces for that, preferably Iphone as their sometimes comes with extended funcionalty for apps like tiktok. There is plenty of them on used market, you don’t need the newset one. Putting the operator card handles the proxy/ IP contenerization. Regional targeting needs some additional work and tweaking, using given country SIM card and some in device settings, yet it’s not really reliable.

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