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🕸️ Mesh Social Media Strategy

ď—¬ Jan 14, 2024

“cross-platform marketing,” “omnichannel marketing,” or “integrated social media strategy.”

Even tho the name isn’t official I believe it’s self-explanatory, while developing presence in SM no matter if it’s personal brand or corporate it’s best to be visible on all platforms, especially when you can easily repurpose your main content into different formats.

That’s nothing new of course, but there is some trickery to that, why would anyone who watches you on YouTube would have to gain, by additionally following you on Instagram, or Twitter? That’s were strategy comes to place… It’s about taking all the reach those platforms has to offer and traffic it further down.

Depending on your content it might be easier or harder, sometimes there might be no reason to do it at all, so be sure to check it beforehand.

Well know and simplest strategy for those image/text based platforms as leverage to the YouTube are:

  1. Backstage – Some YouTuber modest home studio isn’t the most interesting thing in the world, but for some people there is just nothing more interesting, and they are draws to it like moths to the light.

  2. Production photos – If you already recording an video, and you have full set-up why not take some photos of it, if they will be good enough they can actually make some organic impressions.

  3. Post on the coming topic – If you are making video that answers some questions, then why not these it, composing decent post that will spark discussion on its own, and gain huge reach is hassle on its own, making it additionally drive traffic ×100 harder… 

    General strategy is to not make it to obvious, why would anyone engage into an obvious promotion material, instead the fact of video existing should be treated as a reward, portraying yourself like you are making god’s work that everyone will benefit.

    Asking others on opinion is also good strategy, everyone just loves giving them even no one asks for it, so why not to benefit on that. Fabricating self radicalizing information bubbles is quite intriguing strategy, but this time I think that having a polarized view might reward you more. Nothing better than having those infinite comment train of people screaming on each other.

    Such people will be likely to re-sure themselves in their obviously right views, but they naturally don’t want to do any actually research, so this is where you come with your well researched video on the topic.

On the platform like twitter most people are considered equal, they all communicate the same way, writing short responses. Well having a video where you are the host, and all the solicitors can just watch pre-made video, and lose their mind in the comments establish your authority. Not everyone will oblige, but you are in the better position nonetheless. Why is it important, well-being better than others is always important, especially if you have let’s say some bottom funnel educational thingy, then to have someone treat as you can teach them somehow is quite essential to establish your intellectual superiority. It has become disturbingly easy these days, mainly due the phenomenon I just described, should be used carelessly!

Platform guidelines

Some platforms allows for more than others, if your content doesn’t align with some then it’s good to have the other one, and don’t forget to motion it every time you post on the first one. As for the 2→1 you can call it your main platform where you post more often, and you are generally more active, that doesn’t have to be necessarily true, but you need to have some selling point.

It’s excellent strategy, not only because you are giving reason for you viewers to follows you on other platforms, but you also become a freedom fighter, defender of the opressed, staying in opposition to anti-free-thinking regime… It’s usually recivied as positivething, and so many are to follow.

Exclusive content

That’s the thing you are usually monetize, it can be tricky tho. The rule of thumb is to have more effort content in your higher funnels, as the driving traffic is way more beneficial than monetizing it down the line, you can’t monetize the traffic you don’t have. So what’s exactly makes it “exclusive”? Well that the other people don’t have access to it, and because you call it so.

Having you best stuff not as exclusive the way to go, but then you are just relying on others altruism to fund you, which is not way to go, you need to give them something, good enough so they are satisified and in the same time you cannot take something of equal value from the others, as this will resoult in widespread dissatisfaction… Well hacing this one to resolve righouss is tricky thing to do, it needs to be tailored very precisely and thoughtfully.

Some universal apllied rule is to give someting tha actaully cost you, there is no way you can do it for free as you will be loosing money on that. But yeah having an real value product pulls down you ROI quite significally.

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