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πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘¦β€πŸ‘¦ Subreddit

ο—¬ Sep 01, 2023

If you are going heave into Reddit marketing, you should consider creating your own Subreddits, yeah many of them.

Name stealing traffic

Probably the sheer most important thing, if your niche isn’t very new and specific there is huge chance that’s there is already a Subreddit for it. So why would anyone choose your fresh and small instead something huge and establish one, well they will choose yours if that’s the only one they find. Subreddits are made by people, often enthusiast with no experience in marketing so the name of their choosing might be a misfit, if you will search for something and the most default name you typed didn’t give you results then it might be a free spot.

Being an alternative

It could be that the existing one, has some strong biases, and it’s not appreciated by everyone, in such cases usually an alternatives Subreddit emerges, natural order of things. If you happen you try such approach keep in mind that it’s typically better to just don’t make the same mistakes as the other one, instead standing in absolute opposition. Nonetheless there are some cases that radicalization works, but those are more often social engineering cases instead of marketing ones.


An active pillar of your growth, search for Subreddits allowing cross-posting, it can be anything somehow related to what you offer. That’s pretty much all there is, it gives you huge, targeted exposure, just try to be not too pushy, as mods are aware of such strategy and it will crucify it as soon as they will find out.


Having a Subreddit come with some kind of responsibility, there is not really much to it, just keep with Reddit guidelines, so it don’t get obliterated. The other thing is caring for quality content, if your sub is used only for low quality promotion and spamming reflinks or discord invites, then no one will really spend time on it. Fortunately there is so many people with power complex that are willing to do it for free, that you don’t need to be concerned for that. There are also things like auto-moderators and other bots, not hard to make, might be worth investing some effort in it.


You shouldn’t create Subreddit just for shear’s sake of it, you use it as top funnel for what you already have, but owning huge community become a value of its own. If you are owner of such Subreddit, no rules apply to you, it might be a bit hypocritical, therefore true, just don’t be too insolent with it.


Well if you are in charge of large Subreddit, then why not to use it for creation of another one similar in taste, and maybe another, and other two. You can apply invasive cross-posting strategy.

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