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Video Reporpusing

Jan 09, 2024

Multi purposing videos

From a single long format video you can extract plenty of shorts, but you cannot just post cut out clip from the whole, video you need to perform some extra work


Sadly you can’t upload horizontal 16:9 to a lately so popular horizontal video platform 9:16 and expect good watching experience, so you need to some framing work. If it wasn’t planned beforehand, framing of the original video might not allow for good crop, after you are removing about 70% of the picture, so try to at least made it 1:1 ratio, with won’t be as good, but should be way easier to achieve satisfying results. Filling the blank space with some other part of the picture is good, but not always recommended practice. If there is a wide variety of shots you could use dynamic picture ratio, not the hard encoded one, but just simple use different size picture for given shots.


Normal full length video is usually chosen by the watcher finding it interesting by looking at title + thumbnail and clicking on it, for short videos it is a whole different story, they are shown “randomly” based on algorithm, and watcher determines if he wants to skip it, and if the video won’t grab his attentions then he’ll probably skip. The first 0.5-2s are most important, and the tempo of the normal video typically won’t be sufficient for that, so you need to reedit at least the first part.


The short videos are often not good ad medium, as it has very poor conversion rate, not planned, but just repurposing other video will not help with that, so you can not expect anybody to develop any kid of feeling to your product/brand, it will be good if he will keep remembering that after 2 minutes. If you spark enough curiosity for them to check your profile, watch the full video or click any link you provided then it’s as good as it can get, and with those insane reaches of short videos it can actually convert into something. The easiest for such video is to send the viewer to the entire thing, so be sure to leave some questions unanswered and add CTA part on the end to inform about the full video, and preferably provide link to it in video description on even better in the pinned comment, but be aware that adding any links to videos can hurt it performance so be sure you know what you are doing


Another thing that works for short videos and dont for long ones is those very dynamic stroboscope subtitles. It quite simple attention grabber, as any text you see your brain automatically reads.

AI tools

There are fresh new tools like vidyo.ai that promise to take over the goy slop editor job, it’s not all that good, but neither are short video editor, and since they’re charging $5-$100 per video the value of the tool might not be that bad after all. Even if it can’t deliver the final product it does handle the most consuming process quite well, which is footage extraction and classification. Normally even you get the captioned whole script you still need to watch often many hours of footage.

So it might be worth checking especially that there is a free trial, but remember that YouTube’s gratify high quality content, it does might work for some campaigns, but from my experience one well-made video might have greater influence than 100 cheap ones…

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